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Active Input Method Manager Structures

This section describes the structures used with the Active Input Method Manager API.


CANDIDATEFORM Contains the position information for the candidate window.
CANDIDATELIST Contains information about a candidate list.
COMPOSITIONFORM Contains position information for a composition window.
IMEINFO Contains information about the Active Input Method Editor (IME).
IMEMENUITEMINFOA Contains information about IME menu items.
IMEMENUITEMINFOW Contains information about IME menu items.
INPUTCONTEXT Contains the input context information.
LOGFONTA Defines the attributes of a font.
LOGFONTW Defines the attributes of a font.
REGISTERWORDA Contains the reading information or a word to register.
REGISTERWORDW Contains the reading information or a word to register.
STYLEBUFA Contains the identifier and name of the style.
STYLEBUFW Contains the identifier and name of the style.

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