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IHlinkFrame::UpdateHlink Method

Updates the hyperlink frame.


HRESULT UpdateHlink(
    ULONG uHLID,              
    IMoniker *pimkTarget,    
    LPCWSTR pwzLocation,       
    LPCWSTR pwzFriendlyName   


[in] Integer value that specifies the hyperlink to retrieve. This can be a value taken from the HLID constants to indicate a logically identified hyperlink, such as HLID_PREVIOUS or HLID_NEXT.
[in] Address of an IMoniker interface on the hyperlink target.
[in] Address of a string that specifies the navigation location within the hyperlink target. This must not be NULL.
[in] Address of a string that specifies the navigation location of the display name within the hyperlink target. This must not be NULL.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error code otherwise.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

See Also

HlinkOnNavigate, IHlinkBrowseContext::OnNavigateHlink, IHlinkSite::OnNavigationComplete

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