Retrieves the moniker to the hyperlink target.
HRESULT GetMoniker( DWORD dwSiteData, DWORD dwAssign, DWORD dwWhich, IMoniker **ppimk );
- dwSiteData
- [in] Unsigned long integer value used to specify the hyperlink to the hyperlink site. The hyperlink site initializes the hyperlink with this value as part of IHlink::SetHlinkSite.
- dwAssign
- [in] Unsigned long integer value that specifies one of the OLEGETMONIKER values. This is typically either OLEGETMONIKER_ONLYIFTHERE, indicating the function should not force a moniker to be created if one does not already exist, or OLEGETMONIKER_FORCEASSIGN, indicating the function should create a moniker if one does not exist.
- dwWhich
- [in] Unsigned long integer value that specifies one of the OLEWHICHMK values. This is typically OLEWHICHMK_CONTAINER, indicating that the site should return the moniker of the hyperlink container.
- ppimk
- [out] Address of a pointer to an IMoniker interface.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if successful, or E_FAIL if a moniker does not exist for this hyperlink target and OLEGETMONIKER_ONLYIFTHERE is specified for dwAssign.
Windows CE
Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
See Also