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Hyperlinks Interfaces

This section describes the interfaces exported by the Hlink.dll dynamic-link library.

IEnumHLItem Not currently supported.
IExtensionServices Not currently supported.
IHlink IHlink provides methods for a hyperlink to navigate to its target, access a friendly name for display purposes, and identify itself to its container and frame.
IHlinkBrowseContext The IHlinkBrowseContext interface enables a COM object to define and manage the browsing context for an ActiveX® hyperlink application.
IHlinkFrame This interface provides methods that enable a hyperlink frame to be inserted in the navigation process. By using the IHlinkFrame methods, you can provide a seamless interface for users when they navigate from one document/object/application to another.
IHlinkSite The IHlinkSite interface provides methods for a hyperlink to retrieve the moniker or the interface on its hyperlink container. The navigation process that resolves a hyperlink uses this information to efficiently handle internal (within the same container) and external (to a different container) hyperlink references.
IHlinkTarget This interface is implemented by a hyperlink target which provides hyperlink references to the target's contents.

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