Indicates the data structure used by the system browse context to track hyperlinks.
typedef struct tagHLITEM { ULONG uHLID; LPWSTR pwzFriendlyName; } HLITEM;
- Integer value that contains the hyperlink identifier. Standard enumerators always return an identifier rather than one of the logical HLID constants in this member.
- pwzFriendlyName
- Address of the hyperlink's display name.
The HLITEM structure is returned by the IEnumHLITEM enumerator, which is returned from IHlinkBrowseContext::EnumNavigationStack.
Structure Information
Windows NT Use version 4.0 Windows Use Windows 95 and later Header Hlink.h Minimum availability Internet Explorer 3.0
Windows CE
Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0