This interface creates a list of all locale identifiers (LCIDs) in the MIME database.
IEnumRfc1766 Methods
Clone Not currently implemented. Next Retrieves information about the specified number of locales in an array of RFC1766INFO structures. Reset Resets the Locale Enumeration Object to the beginning of the enumeration sequence. Skip Advances the position of the Locale Enumeration Object in the enumeration sequence by the specified amount.
Interface Information
Implementation Locale Enumeration Object (Mlang.dll) Inherits from IUnknown Header and IDL files Mlang.h, Mlang.idl Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0 Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0
Windows CE
Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
A client can use this interface to retrieve an array of RFC1766INFO structures, which contain the Windows®-defined name and the RFC1766-conforming name that correspond to an LCID. A client uses this service to enumerate the entire set of LCIDs with human-readable names.
This interface is created through a call to IMultiLanguage::EnumRfc1766 and should be used when a client needs a list of all LCIDs the system recognizes. If a client needs information about specific locales, it is faster and easier to call IMultiLanguage::GetRfc1766Info. If the entire RFC1766INFO structure is not needed, a client can call IMultiLanguage::GetRfc1766FromLcid to retrieve only the RFC1766-conforming name.