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IMLangCodePages Interface

This interface provides the foundation of the IMLangFontLink interface and implements methods for working with code pages.

IMLangCodePages Methods

CodePagesToCodePage Retrieves the identifier value for a code page in the given set of code pages.
CodePageToCodePages Translates the given code page identifier value into the corresponding entry in a set of code pages.
GetCharCodePages Retrieves the set of code pages to which the given Unicode character belongs.
GetStrCodePages Retrieves the set of code pages to which the Unicode characters in the given string belong.

Interface Information

Implementation MultiLanguage Object (Mlang.dll)
Inherits from IUnknown
Header and IDL files Mlang.h, Mlang.idl
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0


This interface defines a set of code pages and implements a number of methods for working with those code pages. IMLangCodePages contains methods to translate between individual code page identifier values and sets of code pages. Also it provides methods that determine which code pages contain a given Unicode character or string. Because IMLangFontLink inherits from IMLangCodePages, every IMLangCodePages method is available through the IMLangFontLink interface.

Crucial to the IMLangCodePages interface is the concept of a set of code pages. A DWORD is used to represent a set of code pages, and each bit in the DWORD represents a specific code page.

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