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URL Moniker Enumerated Types

This section contains the enumerated types that are used by URL monikers.

BINDF Contains the values that determine how a resource should be bound to a moniker.
BINDINFO_OPTIONS Contains the option flags used in the BINDINFO structure.
BINDINFOF Contains values that determine the use of URL encoding during the binding operation.
BINDSTATUS Contains values that are passed to the client application's implementation of the IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress method to indicate the progress of the bind operation.
BINDVERB Contains values that specify an action, such as an HTTP request, to be performed during the binding operation.
BSCF Values from the BSCF enumeration are passed to the client in IBindStatusCallback::OnDataAvailable to indicate the type of data that is available.
CIP_STATUS Obsolete. Do not use.
QUERYOPTION Contains the available query options.
URL_ENCODING Contains the flags that control the encoding of URLs.

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