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IBindStatusCallback::GetPriority Method

Obtains the priority for the bind operation when called by an asynchronous moniker.


HRESULT GetPriority(
    LONG *pnPriority


[out] Address of a long integer value indicating the priority of this bind operation. Priorities can be any of the constants defined for prioritizing threads. For details, see the Win32® documentation for SetThreadPriority and GetThreadPriority.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or E_INVALIDARG if the pnPriority parameter is invalid.


The moniker calls this method, typically prior to initiating the bind operation, to obtain the priority for the bind operation. This method can be called at any time during the bind operation if the moniker needs to make new priority decisions.

The moniker can use pnPriority to set the priority of a thread associated with a bind operation, but more commonly it will interpret the priority to perform its own scheduling among multiple bind operations. Note that the policy for determining priority for URL monikers is not yet determined. The moniker must not change the priority of the thread used for calling IMoniker::BindToStorage or IMoniker::BindToObject.

Applications that implement the IBindStatusCallback interface can return E_UNIMPL or S_OK if they are not interested in receiving this notification.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

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