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IBindStatusCallback::OnStopBinding Method

Indicates the end of the bind operation.


HRESULT OnStopBinding(
    HRESULT  hrStatus,
    LPCWSTR  szStatusText


[in] Status code returned from the bind operation.
[in] Address of a string value that contains the status text. In case of error, this text describes the error. In the current implementation of URL monikers, this string is empty.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error code otherwise.


This method is always called, whether the bind operation succeeded, failed, or was aborted by a client. At this point the moniker client can use IBinding::GetBindResult to query for protocol-specific information about the outcome of the bind operation. When this method has completed, the moniker client must call IUnknown::Release on the IBinding pointer it received in IBindStatusCallback::OnStartBinding.

Because URL monikers work asynchronously, the status code returned by IBindStatusCallback::OnStopBinding and the status code returned by the binding methods (such as IMoniker::BindToStorage and IMoniker::BindToObject) might differ.

Client applications that implement the IBindStatusCallback interface can return E_UNIMPL or S_OK if they are not interested in receiving this notification.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

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