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IHttpNegotiate::BeginningTransaction Method

Notifies the client of the URL being bound to at the beginning of an HTTP transaction.


HRESULT BeginningTransaction(
    DWORD  dwReserved,
    LPCWSTR  szHeaders,
    LPWSTR * pszAdditionalHeaders


[in] Address of a string value that contains the URL for this HTTP transaction.
[in] Reserved for future use.
[in] Address of a string value that contains the current request headers.
[out] Address of a string variable that contains additional headers to append to the HTTP request. If these conflict with existing values in szHeaders, the new request headers take precedence. If pszAdditionalHeaders is set to NULL, no headers are added to the HTTP request.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK The HTTP transaction completed successfully and any additional headers specified have been appended.
E_ABORT The HTTP transaction has been terminated.
E_INVALIDARG A parameter is invalid.


The URL moniker calls this method before sending an HTTP request. It notifies the client of the URL being bound to at the beginning of the HTTP transaction. It also allows the client to add additional headers, such as Accept-Language, to the request.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

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