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URL Monikers Interfaces

This section contains the interfaces exposed by URL monikers.

IAsyncMoniker IAsyncMoniker provides an implementation of the IUnknown interface, which allows client programs to determine if a moniker supports asynchronous binding. No additional methods are supported by this interface.
IAuthenticate This interface is implemented by the client application to provide the URL moniker with information to authenticate the user.
IBindHost This interface is implemented by an ActiveX® container that wants controls to do asynchronous data transfers through it.
IBinding This interface provides methods that allow the client program using an asynchronous moniker to control the progress of the bind operation.
IBindProtocol Not currently supported.
IBindStatusCallback This interface accepts information on an asynchronous binding operation.
ICodeInstall Obsolete. Do not use.
IHttpNegotiate This interface is implemented by a client application to provide support for HTTP negotiations.
IHttpSecurity This interface notifies a client application of authentication problems.
IPersistMoniker This interface provides methods that offer more control over the binding of persistent data.
ISoftDistExt Not currently implemented.
IWindowForBindingUI This interface allows clients of URL monikers to display information in the client's user interface when necessary.
IWinInetHttpInfo This interface checks information on HTTP requests made through the underlying Win32® Internet functions.
IWinInetInfo This interface retrieves option information used by the underlying Win32® Internet functions.

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