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IWindowForBindingUI::GetWindow Method

Retrieves a handle to a window to present information in the user interface during a bind operation.


HRESULT GetWindow(
    GUID  guidReason,
    HWND  *phwnd


[in] Identifier that indicates the reason for the user interface. This can be either IID_IAuthenticate or IID_IHttpSecurity.
[out] Address of a window handle to the parent window to use for displaying user interface information.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if the window handle was successfully returned, or E_INVALIDARG if the phwnd parameter is invalid.


If you implement this interface, you can return S_FALSE for this method to indicate that no window is available for displaying user interface information.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

See Also

IAuthenticate, IWinInetInfo

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