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Pluggable Protocol Interfaces

This section describes the interfaces exposed by monikers, URLs, security zones, and pluggable protocols.


IDataFilter Not currently implemented.
IEncodingFilterFactory Not currently implemented.
IInternet Allows client programs to determine if asynchronous pluggable protocols are supported.
IInternetBindInfo Implemented by the system and provides data that the protocol might need to bind successfully.
IInternetPriority Provides an application with a way to set the priority of the requests being sent to a pluggable protocol handler.
IInternetProtocol Main interface that is exposed by an asynchronous pluggable protocol.
IInternetProtocolInfo Provides information about the URL being handled by the protocol handler.
IInternetProtocolRoot Controls the operation of an asynchronous pluggable protocol handler.
IInternetProtocolSink Receives the reports and binding data from the asynchronous pluggable protocol.
IInternetProtocolSinkStackable Allows a pluggable MIME filter to be added to an existing filter at run time.
IInternetSession Implemented by the client application to create temporary pluggable protocol handlers.

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