Possible Values
sAddress Required. Specifies one or more valid e-mail addresses separated by a semicolon. You must use Internet-safe characters. Use %20 for the space character. sSubject Optional. Specifies the text to appear in the subject line of the message. sBody Optional. Specifies the body of the message. sCC Optional. Specifies the addresses to be included in the "cc" (carbon copy) section of the message. sBCC Optional. Specifies the addresses to be included in the "bcc" (blind carbon copy) section of the message.
Available as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 3.0 or later.
The following example shows a link that will prepare an e-mail message.
<A HREF="">
Click Here to send feedback to the InetSDK.</A>The following example shows an HTML form being used to create an e-mail message.
<FORM ACTION="" METHOD=GET> <INPUT NAME=subject TYPE=hidden VALUE="InetSDK%20User%20Feedback"> Enter comments about this site:<BR> <TEXTAREA NAME=body COLS=40> InetSDK: The InetSDK site is superlative! </TEXTAREA> <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Send Feedback"> </FORM>