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Res Protocol

Specifies a resource that will be obtained from a module.



Possible Values

sFile Required. Specifies the path and file name of the module that contains the resource.
sType Optional. Specifies the string or numerical resource type. This can be either a custom resource or one of the RT_ predefined resource types described in the FindResource function reference. If a numerical resource type is specified, the actual number of the identifier, not the identifier name, must follow a # character. See the example below for more information. If this parameter is not specified, the default resource type is RT_HTML.
sID Required. Specifies the string or numerical identifier of the resource. If a numerical identifier is specified, the actual number of the identifier, not the identifier itself, must follow a '#' character. See the example below for more information.


Available as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.


The following example shows the correct and incorrect ways to format the numerical identifier for the resource type.

#define MYBITMAP 234

// This is correct.

// This is not correct.

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