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Appendix C: Handling Errors

The Win32® function GetLastError is used to get the error code for all of the Win32 Internet functions. If ERROR_INTERNET_EXTENDED_ERROR is returned, there is a string or buffer containing a verbose error message. Call the InternetGetLastResponseInfo function to retrieve the extended error text.

To get the error text for a normal Win32 Internet error, use the Win32 function FormatMessage, and pass it an HMODULE handle to the Wininet.dll using the Win32 function GetModuleHandle.

The following is an example of a function to handle Win32 Internet function errors.

BOOL WINAPI ErrorOut ( HWND hErr, DWORD dError, TCHAR * szCallFunc)
TCHAR szTemp[356] = "", *szBuffer=NULL, *szBufferFinal = NULL;
        DWORD  dwIntError , dwLength = 0;
        char strName[256]="";

wsprintf (szTemp,  "%s error code: %d\nMessage: %s\n", 
szCallFunc, dError, strName);
        int response;
                InternetGetLastResponseInfo (&dwIntError, NULL, &dwLength);
                if (dwLength)
                        if ( !(szBuffer = (TCHAR *) LocalAlloc ( LPTR,  dwLength) ) )
                                lstrcat (szTemp, TEXT ( "Unable to allocate memory to display 
                                         Internet error code. Error code: ") );
                                lstrcat (szTemp, TEXT (_itoa (GetLastError(), szBuffer, 10)  ) );
                                lstrcat (szTemp, TEXT ("\n") );
                                response = MessageBox(hErr, (LPSTR)szTemp,"Error",MB_OK);
                                return FALSE;
                        if (!InternetGetLastResponseInfo (&dwIntError, (LPTSTR) szBuffer, 
                                lstrcat (szTemp, TEXT ( "Unable to get Internet error. Error code: ") );
                                lstrcat (szTemp, TEXT (_itoa (GetLastError(), szBuffer, 10)  ) );
                                lstrcat (szTemp, TEXT ("\n") );
                                response = MessageBox(hErr, (LPSTR)szTemp,"Error",MB_OK);
                                return FALSE;
                        if ( !(szBufferFinal = (TCHAR *) LocalAlloc ( LPTR,  
                               (strlen (szBuffer) +strlen (szTemp) + 1)  ) )  )
                                lstrcat (szTemp, TEXT ( "Unable to allocate memory. Error code: ") );
                                lstrcat (szTemp, TEXT (_itoa (GetLastError(), szBuffer, 10)  ) );
                                lstrcat (szTemp, TEXT ("\n") );
                                response = MessageBox(hErr, (LPSTR)szTemp,"Error",MB_OK);
                                return FALSE;
                        lstrcpy (szBufferFinal, szTemp);
                        lstrcat (szBufferFinal, szBuffer);
                        LocalFree (szBuffer);
                        response = MessageBox(hErr, (LPSTR)szBufferFinal,"Error",MB_OK);
                        LocalFree (szBufferFinal);
                response = MessageBox(hErr, (LPSTR)szTemp,"Error",MB_OK);

    return response;

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