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Cache Group Constants

The following list contains the constants used by the Win32® Internet cache group functions.

Retrieves the flags, type, and disk quota attributes of the cache group. This is used by the GetUrlCacheGroupAttribute function.
Sets or retrieves the flags associated with the cache group. This is used by the GetUrlCacheGroupAttribute and SetUrlCacheGroupAttribute functions.
Retrieves all the attributes of the cache group. This is used by the GetUrlCacheGroupAttribute function.
Sets or retrieves the group name of the cache group. This is used by the GetUrlCacheGroupAttribute and SetUrlCacheGroupAttribute functions.
Sets or retrieves the disk quota associated with the cache group. This is used by the GetUrlCacheGroupAttribute and SetUrlCacheGroupAttribute functions.
Sets or retrieves the group owner storage associated with the cache group. This is used by the GetUrlCacheGroupAttribute and SetUrlCacheGroupAttribute functions.
Sets or retrieves the cache group type. This is used by the GetUrlCacheGroupAttribute and SetUrlCacheGroupAttribute functions.
Indicates that all the cache entries associated with the cache group should be deleted, unless the entry belongs to another cache group.
Indicates that the function should only create a unique GROUPID for the cache group and not create the actual group.
Indicates that the cache group cannot be purged.
Sets the type, disk quota, group name, and owner storage attributes of the cache group. This is used by the SetUrlCacheGroupAttribute function.
Indicates that all of the cache groups in the user's system should be enumerated.
Not currently implemented.
Indicates that the cache group type is invalid.
Length of the group owner storage array.
Maximum number of characters allowed for a cache group name.

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