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Persistent URL Cache Functions

This section describes the functions used by applications that need persistent caching services. These functions allow an application to save data in the local file system for subsequent use, such as in situations where access to the data is over a low bandwidth link, or the access is not available at all. The calling program that inserts data into the persistent cache assigns a source name that is used to do operations such as retrieve the data, set and get some properties on the data, and delete data.

The protocols implemented in Microsoft® Win32® Internet functions use the cache functions to provide persistent caching and offline browsing. Unless explicitly specified not to cache through the INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE flag, Win32 Internet functions cache all data downloaded from the network. The responses to POST data are not cached.

CommitUrlCacheEntry Stores data in the specified file in the Internet cache and associates it with the given URL.
CreateUrlCacheEntry Creates a local file name for saving the cache entry based on the specified URL and the file extension.
CreateUrlCacheGroup Generates cache group identifications.
DeleteUrlCacheEntry Removes the file associated with the source name from the cache, if the file exists.
DeleteUrlCacheGroup Releases the specified GROUPID and any associated state in the cache index file.
FindCloseUrlCache Closes the specified cache enumeration handle.
FindFirstUrlCacheEntry Begins the enumeration of the Internet cache.
FindFirstUrlCacheEntryEx Starts a filtered enumeration of the Internet cache.
FindFirstUrlCacheGroup Initiates the enumeration of the cache groups in the Internet cache.
FindNextUrlCacheEntry Retrieves the next entry in the Internet cache.
FindNextUrlCacheEntryEx Finds the next cache entry in a cache enumeration started by the FindFirstUrlCacheEntryEx function.
FindNextUrlCacheGroup Retrieves the next cache group in a cache group enumeration started by FindFirstUrlCacheGroup.
GetUrlCacheEntryInfo Retrieves information about a cache entry.
GetUrlCacheEntryInfoEx Searches for the URL after translating any cached redirections that would be applied in offline mode by HttpSendRequest.
GetUrlCacheGroupAttribute Retrieves the attribute information of the specified cache group.
ReadUrlCacheEntryStream Reads the cached data from a stream that has been opened using the RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStream function.
RetrieveUrlCacheEntryFile Locks the cache entry file associated with the specified URL.
RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStream Provides the most efficient and implementation-independent way of accessing the cache data.
SetUrlCacheEntryGroup Adds entries to or removes entries from a cache group.
SetUrlCacheEntryInfo Sets the specified members of the INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO structure.
SetUrlCacheGroupAttribute Sets the attribute information of the specified cache group.
UnlockUrlCacheEntryFile Unlocks the cache entry that was locked while the file was retrieved for use from the cache.
UnlockUrlCacheEntryStream Closes the stream that has been retrieved using the RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStream function.

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