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FtpGetFile Function

Retrieves a file from the FTP server and stores it under the specified file name, creating a new local file in the process.


BOOL FtpGetFile(
    IN HINTERNET hConnect,
    IN LPCTSTR lpszRemoteFile,
    IN LPCTSTR lpszNewFile,
    IN BOOL fFailIfExists,
    IN DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
    IN DWORD dwFlags,
    IN DWORD_PTR dwContext

The actual syntax of this function varies between its ANSI and Unicode implementations. For more information, see Win32 Internet Functions Syntax.


Valid handle to an FTP session.
Address of a null-terminated string that contains the name of the file to retrieve from the remote system.
Address of a null-terminated string that contains the name of the file to create on the local system.
Boolean flag that indicates whether the function should proceed if a local file of the specified name already exists. If fFailIfExists is TRUE and the local file exists, FtpGetFile fails.
Unsigned long integer value that contains the file attributes for the new file. This can be any combination of the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_* flags used by the CreateFile function. For more information on FILE_ATTRIBUTE_* attributes, see CreateFile in the Platform SDK.
Unsigned long integer value that contains the flags that control how the function will handle the file download. The first set of flag values indicates the conditions under which the transfer occurs. These transfer type flags can be used in combination with the second set of flags that control caching. The application can select one of these transfer type values:
Transfers the file using FTP's ASCII (Type A) transfer method. Control and formatting information is converted to local equivalents.
Transfers the file using FTP's Image (Type I) transfer method. The file is transferred exactly as it exists with no changes. This is the default transfer method.
Transfers the file as ASCII.
Transfers the file as binary.

The following flags determine how the caching of this file will be done. Any combination of the following flags can be used with the transfer type flag. The possible values are:

Address of an unsigned long integer value that contains the application-defined value that associates this search with any application data. This is used only if the application has already called InternetSetStatusCallback to set up a status callback function.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise. To get a specific error message, call GetLastError.


FtpGetFile is a high-level routine that handles all the bookkeeping and overhead associated with reading a file from an FTP server and storing it locally. An application that needs to retrieve file data only or that requires close control over the file transfer should use the FtpOpenFile and InternetReadFile functions.

If the dwFlags parameter specifies FILE_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII, translation of the file data converts control and formatting characters to local equivalents. The default transfer is binary mode, where the file is downloaded in the same format as it is stored on the server.

Both lpszRemoteFile and lpszNewFile can be either partially or fully qualified file names relative to the current directory.

Function Information

Windows NT Use version 4.0. Implemented as ANSI and Unicode functions.
Windows Use Windows 95 and later. Implemented as ANSI and Unicode functions.
Header Wininet.h
Import library Wininet.lib
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 3.0 (ANSI only), 5 (ANSI and Unicode)

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later. Implemented as ANSI and Unicode functions.
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

See Also

Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions Overview, FTP Sessions, Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions Reference, FTP Functions

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