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InternetConfirmZoneCrossing Function

Checks for changes between secure and nonsecure URLs. When a change occurs in security between two URLs, an application should allow the user to acknowledge this change, typically by displaying a dialog box.


DWORD InternetConfirmZoneCrossing(
    IN HWND hWnd,
    IN LPTSTR szUrlPrev,
    IN LPTSTR szUrlNew,
    IN BOOL bPost

The actual syntax of this function varies between its ANSI and Unicode implementations. For more information, see Win32 Internet Functions Syntax.


Handle to the parent window for any needed dialog box.
Address of a string variable containing the URL that was viewed before the current request was made.
Address of a string variable containing the new URL that the user has requested to view.
Boolean value that determines if a post is being made by this request. If bPost is set to TRUE, a post is being made in this request. This flag is ignored in this release.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

ERROR_SUCCESS The user confirmed that it was okay to continue, or there was no user input needed.
ERROR_CANCELLED The user canceled the request.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY There is not enough memory to carry out the request.

Function Information

Windows NT Use version 4.0. Implemented as ANSI and Unicode functions.
Windows Use Windows 95 and later. Implemented as ANSI and Unicode functions.
Header Wininet.h
Import library Wininet.lib
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 3.0 (ANSI only), 5 (ANSI and Unicode)

See Also

Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions Overview, Enabling Internet Functionality, Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions Reference, General Win32 Internet Functions

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