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InternetErrorDlg Function

Displays a dialog box for the error that is passed to InternetErrorDlg, if an appropriate dialog box exists. If the FLAGS_ERROR_UI_FILTER_FOR_ERRORS flag is used, the function also checks the headers for any hidden errors and displays a dialog box if needed.


DWORD InternetErrorDlg(
    IN HWND hWnd,
    IN OUT HINTERNET hRequest,
    IN DWORD dwError,
    IN DWORD dwFlags,
    IN OUT LPVOID *lppvData


Handle to the parent window for any needed dialog box. This parameter can be NULL if no dialog box is needed.
HINTERNET handle to the Internet connection used in the call to HttpSendRequest.
Error value for which to display a dialog box. This can be one of the following values:
Notifies the user of the zone crossing to and from a secure site.
Displays a dialog box for obtaining the user's name and password. (On Microsoft® Windows® 95, the function first attempts to use any cached authentication information for the server being accessed, before displaying a dialog box.)
Notifies the user that the Win32® Internet function does not recognize the certificate authority that generated the certificate for this Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) site.
Displays a warning about posting data to the server through a nonsecure connection.
Indicates that the SSL certificate Common Name (hostname field) is incorrect. Displays an Invalid SSL Common Name dialog box, and lets the user view the incorrect certificate. Also allows the user to select a certificate in response to a server request.
Tells the user that the SSL certificate has expired.
Unsigned long integer value that contains the action flags. This can be a combination of these values:
Scans the returned headers for errors. Call after using HttpSendRequest. This option detects any hidden errors, such as an authentication error.
If the function succeeds, stores the results of the dialog box in the Internet handle.
Queries the Internet handle for needed information. The function constructs the appropriate data structure for the error. (For example, for Cert CN failures, the function grabs the certificate.)
Serializes authentication dialog boxes for concurrent requests on a password cache entry. The lppvData parameter should contain the address of a pointer to an INTERNET_AUTH_NOTIFY_DATA structure, and the client should implement a thread-safe, nonblocking callback function.
Address of pointer to a data structure. The structure can be different for each error that needs to be handled.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values, or an error code otherwise.

ERROR_SUCCESS The function completed successfully.
ERROR_CANCELLED The function was canceled by the user.
ERROR_INTERNET_FORCE_RETRY The Win32 function needs to redo its request.
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE The handle to the parent window is invalid.


Authentication errors are hidden, because the call to HttpSendRequest will complete successfully. However, the status code would indicate that the proxy or server requires authentication. The FLAGS_ERROR_UI_FILTER_FOR_ERRORS flag causes the function to search the headers for status codes that indicate user input is needed.

Function Information

Windows NT Use version 4.0. Implemented only as an ANSI function.
Windows Use Windows 95 and later. Implemented only as an ANSI function.
Header Wininet.h
Import library Wininet.lib
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 3.0

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

See Also

Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions Overview, Enabling Internet Functionality, Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions Reference, General Win32 Internet Functions

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