This interface is used by a host to control the security zone infrastructure.
IInternetZoneManager Methods
CreateZoneEnumerator Creates a zone enumerator. DestroyZoneEnumerator Destroys a zone enumerator. GetZoneActionPolicy Retrieves the policy associated with the given URL action. GetZoneAt Retrieves the zone associated with the specified index on the given enumerator. GetZoneAttributes Retrieves the zone attributes. GetZoneCustomPolicy Retrieves the named custom policy associated with the zone. LogAction Not currently implemented. PromptAction Not currently implemented. SetZoneActionPolicy Sets the action policy associated with a zone. SetZoneAttributes Sets the zone attributes. SetZoneCustomPolicy Sets a named custom policy associated with a zone.
Interface Information
Implementation System (Urlmon.dll) Inherits from IUnknown Header and IDL files Urlmon.h, Urlmon.idl Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0 Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT