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Microsoft XML Parser in C++

August 27, 1999

About the Internet Explorer 4.0 C++ Parser

Internet Explorer 4.0 included an XML parser, written in C++. It was designed to be a high-performance, non-validating parser that supported most of the W3C XML specification Non-MS link.

The Internet Explorer 4.0 XML Object Model

The Internet Explorer 4.0 XML parser provides an object model for XML, giving developers programmatic access to structured data. The XML object model is based on the W3C standard Document Object Model (DOM). For more information on the XML object model supported by Internet Explorer 4.0, see The XML Object Model in Internet Explorer 4.0 article. For more information on the DOM, see Non-MS link.

The Internet Explorer 4.0 XML Object Model is deprecated in favor of the new W3C compliant XML DOM in the Internet Explorer 5.0 version of MSXML.DLL.

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