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XML Auction Demo

January 25, 1999

The XML Auction Demo presents an Web-based auction where you can make a bid on items being auctioned and see live bids that are being made by other people. The purpose of the demo is to show how XML can be used to create interesting Web-based applications (weblications) that have a lot of client-side functionality without needing round trips to the server or complicated server session state.

The XML Auction Demo was originally written for a previous version of the XML parser, which required Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4. However, the W3C has since issued new XML standards, including a new specification for the XML Document Object Model (DOM) programming interfaces. With Internet Explorer 5, Microsoft provides a new and updated XML parser that implements these W3C XML standards. The Auction demo is still available for download, but we suggest that you also take a look at the new XML Sports Demo which demos all the new IE5 XML support.


Download Download the XML Auction Demo (zip file, approx 950Kb).

Installation instructions are available with the Auction Demo files in the form of an html file, "installation.htm".

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