- attribute
- XML structural construct. A name-value pair within a tagged element that
modifies certain features
of the element. For XML, all values must be enclosed in quotation marks.
- cascading style sheets
- Formatting descriptions that provide augmented control over presentation and
layout of HTML and XML elements. CSS can be used for describing the formatting behavior of
simply structured XML documents, but does not provide a display structure that deviates
from the structure of the source data. See also Extensible Stylesheet Language.
- CDATA section
- XML structural construct. CDATA sections can be used to mark tags or reserved
characters with
quotation marks and thus prevent them from being interpreted. For this reason,
the CDATA section is especially useful for escaping markup and script. The syntax
for CDATA sections in XML is <![CDATA[ ... ]]>.
- Channel Definition Format
- Channel Definition Format
- An XML-based data format used in Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 and
later to describe Active Channel content and desktop components.
- character data
- XML structural construct. The text content of an element or attribute.
XML differentiates this
plain text from markup. In the XML OM,
character data is stored in text nodes, which are implemented as DOMText objects.
- character set
- A mapping of a set of characters to their numeric values. For example,
Unicode is a 16-bit character set capable of encoding all known characters; it is
used as a worldwide character-encoding standard.
- Commerce Interchange Pipeline
- Commerce Interchange Pipeline
- An infrastructure used by Microsoft® Site Server Commerce Edition to
exchange data between applications in XML over HTTP.
- component
- An object that encapsulates both data and code, and provides a
well-specified set of publicly available services.
- cascading style sheets
- data binding
- The process of associating the objects or controls of an application to a
data source. A control associated with a data source is called a databound control.
Data binding can be used to move XML-based data elements into HTML for display, essentially merging
data into an HTML presentation template. The contents of a databound control are
associated with values from a database. For example, a grid control that is bound
to a Recordset object can be updated when the rows in the
Recordset are updated. When new values are retrieved by
the Recordset, new values are displayed in the
- data island
- A proposed format for putting XML-based data inside HTML pages (<XML>
or <SCRIPT language="XML">). HTML is used as the primary document or display
format, and XML is used to embed data within the document.
- Data Source Object
- Provides data, embedded by use of data binding, into an HTML page.
Users can then sort and filter the data as they would a database, without needing to
return to the server. DSOs supply data asynchronously to the page, similar to the
way GIF images are displayed incrementally as they are transmitted.
- data type
- The type of content that an element contains: a number, a date,
and so on. In XML, an author can specify an element's data type, for example,
with a tokenized attribute type. Microsoft is working with
the W3C to define a set of standard types that anyone can freely use. See also
- document element
- The top-level element of an XML document; only one top-level element
is allowed. The document element is a child of the document root.
- Document Object Model
- The standard maintained by the W3C that specifies how the content, structure, and appearance of Web documents can be updated programmatically with scripts or other programs. The proposed object model for XML matches the Document Object Model for HTML so that script writers can easily learn XML programming. The XML DOM will provide a simple means of reading and writing data to and from an XML tree structure.
- document root
- The top-level node of an XML document; its descendants branch out from it
to form the XML tree for that document. The document root contains the document element
and can also contain a set of processing instructions and comments.
- document type declaration
- XML structural construct. A production within an XML document that
contains or points to markup
declarations that provide a grammar for a class of documents. This grammar is known
as a Document Type Definition. The document type declaration can point to an
external subset (a special kind of external entity) containing markup declarations,
or can contain the markup declarations directly in an internal subset, or both.
The DTD for a document consists of both subsets taken together. The syntax of the
document type declaration is <!DOCTYPE content >.
- Document Type Definition
- The markup declarations that describe a grammar for a class of documents.
The DTD is declared within the document type declaration production of the XML file.
The markup declarations can be in an external subset (a special kind of external entity),
in an internal subset directly within the XML file, or both. The DTD for a document
consists of both subsets taken together. See also schema.
- Document Object Model
- Data Source Object
- Document Type Definition
- Electronic Data Interchange
- Electronic Data Interchange
- An existing format used to exchange data and support transactions.
EDI transactions can be conducted only between sites that have been specifically
set up with compatible systems.
- element
- XML structural construct. An XML element consists of a start tag, and end tag, and the information
between the tags, which is often referred to as the contents. Elements used in an
XML file are described by a DTD or schema,
either of which can provide a
description of the structure of the data.
- entity
- XML structural construct. A character sequence or well-formed XML hierarchy
associated with a name. The entity can be referred to by an entity reference
to insert the entity's contents into the tree at that point.
The function of an XML entity is similar to that of a macro definition. Entity declarations
occur in the DTD.
- entity reference
- XML structural construct. Refers to the content of a named entity. The name
is delimited by the
ampersand and semicolon characters; for example, &bookname; and <.
It is used in much the same way as a macro.
- event handler
- The code that is executed when an event occurs.
- Extensible Linking Language
- An XML vocabulary that provides links in XML similar to those
in HTML but with more functionality. Linking could be multidirectional, and
links could exist at the object level rather than just at a page level.
- Extensible Markup Language
- A subset of SGML that provides a uniform method for
describing and exchanging structured data in an open, text-based format, and delivers
this data by use of the standard HTTP protocol. At the time of this writing, XML 1.0
is a World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation, which means that it is in the
final stage of the approval process.
- Extensible Stylesheet Language
- A language used to transform XML-based data into HTML or other
presentation formats, for display in a Web browser. Differs from cascading style sheets
in that it can present information in an order different from that in which it was
received. XSL will also be able to generate CSS along with HTML. XSL consists of
two parts, a vocabulary for transformation and the XSL Formatting Objects.
- granular updating
- Changing only an element of a page, rather than rebuilding the entire
page. The new element is sent from the server to the client, which replaces the old
element while leaving the rest of the page intact.
- graphing
- A very generalized way to represent certain data relationships.
- ID
- A special attribute type within the XML language. The ID attribute on the
XML element provides a unique name, enabling links to that element using the IDREF
attribute type. The value associated with the ID attribute must be unique within that
XML document. IDs are currently declared with a DTD or
- markup
- XML structural construct. Text in an XML document that does not
represent character data: start tags,
end tags, empty-element tags, entity references, character references, comments,
CDATA section delimiters, DTDs, and processing instructions.
- mixed content
- XML structural construct. An element type has mixed content when
elements of that type can contain
character data, optionally interspersed with child elements. In this case, the types
of the child elements can be constrained, but not their order or their number of
- namespace
- A mechanism to resolve naming conflicts between elements in an XML document
when each comes from a different vocabulary; it allows the commingling of like tag names from different
namespaces. A namespace identifies an XML vocabulary defined within a URN.
An attribute on an element, attribute, or entity reference associates a short name with the
URN that defines the namespace; that short name is then used as a prefix to the element,
attribute, or entity reference name to uniquely identify the namespace. Namespace
references have scope. All child nodes beneath the node that specifies the namespace
inherit that namespace. This allows nonqualified names to use the default namespace.
See also RDF namespace.
- The literal string "NDATA" is used as part of a notation declaration.
See also notation.
- normalize
- To collapse two or more adjacent text nodes in the document tree into
one text node. This ensures that the tree structure will match tree structure
generated when the document is stored and reloaded. The element object offers
a normalize method.
- notation
- Usually refers to a data format, such as BMP. A notation identifies
by name the format of unparsed entities, the format of elements that bear a
notation attribute, or the application to which a processing instruction is
- notation declaration
- A notation declaration provides a name and an external identifier
for a notation. The name is used in entity and attribute-list declarations and
in attribute specifications. The external identifier is used for the notation,
which can allow an XML processor or its client application to locate a helper
application capable of processing data in the given notation.
- Open Financial Exchange
- Open Financial Exchange
- A data format used by personal-finance applications to communicate
with financial institutions over the Web. Although it is currently described
using SGML, OFX will soon be based on XML.
- Open Software Description
- An XML-based data format for advertising and installing software
components over the Internet.
- Open Software Description
- PI
- processing instruction
- processing instruction
- XML structural construct. Instructions that are passed through to the
application. The target is specified as part of the PI. The syntax for a PI is
<?pi-name content?>.
- Resource Definition Framework
- RDF namespace
- A specialized XML syntax designed to provide a limited form of RDF on the
Web. See also Resource Definition Framework.
- reference node
- The reference node for a search context is the node that is the immediate
parent of all nodes in the search context. Every search context has an associated
reference node.
- Resource Definition Framework
- An object model similar in function to an
application programming interface (API), RDF can be used by developers to access
the logical meaning of designated content in XML documents.
- root element
- Sometimes this term is used to refer to the document element
but this is misleading, since the top-level element and the document root
are not the same. Because of this ambiguity, use of the term "root element" is
- schema
- A formal specification of element names that indicates which elements are
allowed in an XML document, and in which combinations. A schema is functionally equivalent
to a DTD, but is written in XML; a schema also provides for extended
functionality such as data typing, inheritance, and presentation rules.
- Standard Generalized Markup Language
- Standard Generalized Markup Language
- The international standard for defining descriptions of structure and
content of electronic documents. XML is a subset of SGML designed to deliver SGML-type
information over the Web.
- target
- The application to which a processing instruction is directed. The target
names beginning with "XML" and "xml" are reserved.
The target appears as the first token in the PI. For example, in the XML declaration
<?xml version="1.0"?>, the target is "xml".
- text markup
- Inserting tags into the middle of an element's text flow, to mark certain
parts of the element with additional meta-information.
- tokenized attribute type
- Each attribute has an attribute type. Seven attribute types are characterized
- Uniform Resource Identifier
- The generic set of all names and addresses that refer to resources, including
URLs and URNs.
Defined in Berners-Lee, T., R. Fielding, and L. Masinter, Uniform Resource
Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax and Semantics. 1997. See updates to the W3C document RFC1738.
The Layman-Bray proposal for namespaces makes every element name subordinate to a URI,
which would ensure that element names are always unambiguous.
- Uniform Resource Locator
- The set of URI schemes that have explicit
instructions on how to access the resource on the Internet.
- Uniform Resource Name
- A Uniform Resource Name identifies a persistent Internet resource.
- updategram
- XML generated by agents to notify the client of changes to data on the server,
or vice versa; the agents could run on the middle tier to access multiple existing
database management systems (DBMSs) and output XML.
- Uniform Resource Identifier
- Uniform Resource Locator
- Uniform Resource Name
- valid XML
- XML that conforms to the vocabulary specified in a DTD or
- vocabulary
- See XML vocabulary.
- W3C
- World Wide Web Consortium
- well-formed XML
- XML that meets the requirements listed in the W3C Recommendation for XML
1.0: It contains one or more elements; it has a single document element,
with any other elements properly nested under it; each of the parsed entities referenced
directly or indirectly within the document is well-formed. A well-formed XML document does
not necessarily include a DTD.
- World Wide Web Consortium
- The international consortium founded in 1994 to develop standards for
the Web. See W3C
- Extensible Linking Language
- Extensible Markup Language
- XML Data Source Object
- A Data Source Object that provides a way to bind HTML elements
directly to an XML data island. It assists developers in connecting to structured
XML data and supplying it to an HTML page by using the data-binding facility of
dynamic HTML. See also data island.
- XML declaration
- The first line of an XML file can optionally contain the "xml"
processing instruction, which is known as the XML declaration. The XML
declaration can contain pseudo-attributes to indicate the XML language version,
the character set, and whether the document can be used as a standalone
- XML document
- A data object that is well-formed, according to the XML recommendation,
and that might (or might not) be valid. The XML document has a logical structure
(composed of declarations, elements, comments, character references, and processing
instructions) and a physical structure (composed of entities, starting with the
root, or document entity).
- XML Data Source Object
- XML engine
- Software that supports XML functionality on the client; Internet Explorer
4.0 and Internet Explorer 5 include XML engines.
- XML Object Model
- An API that defines a standard way in
which developers can interact with the elements of the XML structured tree. The object
model controls how users communicate with trees, and exposes all tree elements as
objects, which can be accessed without any return trips to the server. The XML OM
uses the W3C standard Document Object Model.
- XML Object Model
- XML parser
- A generalized XML parser reads XML files and generates a hierarchically
structured tree, then hands off data to viewers and other applications for processing.
A validating XML parser also checks the XML syntax and reports errors.
- XML Query Language
- A term used to describe a set of extensions to
XSL Patterns proposed to the W3C.
- XML Schema
- See schema.
- XML vocabulary
- The actual elements used in particular data formats.
Channel Definition Format, for example, is a format
for describing collections of pages and when these pages should be downloaded.
Vocabularies, along with the structural relationships between the elements, can be
defined in a DTD or a schema.
- XML-Data
- A proposal, submitted by Microsoft and others to the W3C, to define a
number of common scalar data types that can be applied to elements. The XML-Data
proposal includes the concept of XML schemas.
- XML Query Language
- Extensible Stylesheet Language
- XSL Formatting Objects
- A set of formatting semantics expressed as an XML vocabulary. Part of
- XSL Patterns
- Part of XSL that provides simple querying
capability against an XML document. Internet Explorer 5 supports XSL Patterns with
some of the extensions described in XML Query Language.