Updated: May 25, 1999
Missed a conference? Or interested in reviewing a presentation you've already attended? We've archived the following popular presentations from XML-related conferences.
Note: The presentations below require Microsoft® PowerPoint® .
If you don't have a copy of PowerPoint, you can download the the
free PowerPoint Viewer
to view and print these presentations.
Serializing Graphs of Data in XML
Presentation by Michael Rys (co-authors Adam Bosworth and Andrew Layman) (Microsoft Corporation)
Presented May 14, 1999
Developer's Day WWW8, Toronto, Canada
Virtual XML and Requirements
Keynote presentation and demo (download zipped demo files) by Adam Bosworth (Microsoft Corporation)
Presented April 27, 1999
GCA XML Europe '99 Conference, Grenada, Spain
XML: A Revolution Unfolds (with Merrill Lynch demo)
Keynote presentation by Adam Bosworth (Microsoft Corporation)
Presented April 25, 1999
GCA XML Europe '99 Conference, Grenada, Spain
XML: A Revolution Unfolds (with Merrill Lynch demo)
Keynote presentation by Adam Bosworth (Microsoft Corporation)
Presented June 1, 1998
TechEd Conference, New Orleans, LA
XML: A Revolution Unfolds (with Junglee demo)
Keynote presentation by Adam Bosworth (Microsoft Corporation)
Presented May 19, 1998
Europe 98, Paris, France
Microsoft's Vision for XML
Paper (Word RTF format) by Adam Bosworth (Microsoft Corporation)
Presented May 19, 1998
GCA XML Conference, Paris, France
XML: A Revolution Unfolds (with SoftQuad demo)
Keynote presentation by Adam Bosworth (Microsoft Corporation)
Presented March 25, 1998
GCA XML Conference, Seattle, WA