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XML Tutorial

List of Lessons

This tutorial consists of a set of interactive lessons, listed below, that walk you through typical XML authoring and development tasks.

You will be able to read the lessons in Microsoft® Internet Explorer 3.0, 4.0, and other browsers, but the interactive elements and demos require Internet Explorer 5 Non-MSDN link.

Lesson Topic
Lesson 1 Authoring XML Elements
Lesson 2 Authoring XML Documents
Lesson 3 Authoring XML Data Islands
Lesson 4 Using the XML Object Model
Lesson 5 Using XML Namespaces
Lesson 6 Authoring XML Schemas
Lesson 7 Using Data Types Within XML Documents
Lesson 8 Accessing Typed XML Values
Lesson 9 Using the C++ XML DSO
Lesson 10 Using the Master/Detail Feature with the C++ XML DSO

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