Chapter 14  IoTimer and CustomTimerDpc Routines

This chapter contains the following information:

14.1  Timer Routine Requirements

14.1.1  IoTimer Routine Requirements  Setting Up an IoTimer Routine  Setting Up Context for an IoTimer Routine

14.1.2  CustomTimerDpc Routine Requirements  Setting Up a CustomTimerDpc Routine  Setting Up Context for a CustomTimerDpc Routine

14.2  Using Timer Routines

14.2.1  Using an IoTimer Routine

14.2.2  Using CustomTimerDpc Routines

The IoTimer routine is defined by the I/O Manager as follows:



    IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,

    IN PVOID Context



The CustomTimerDpc routine is defined by the Kernel as follows:



    IN PKDPC Dpc,

    IN PVOID DeferredContext,

    IN PVOID SystemArgument1,    // reserved for system use

    IN PVOID SystemArgument2     // reserved for system use



This chapter summarizes the requirements for NT drivers’ standard IoTimer and/or CustomTimerDpc routines and guidelines for using these routines.

For more information about timer objects, with and without associated DPC routines, see also Chapter 3.