A.2.3.9  Configuration Functions

A NIC driver configures itself using information in the Configuration Registry and the configuration functions provided by the NDIS interface library, as Table A.2.12 shows. The Configuration Registry module name the driver uses should not conflict with the module names for other drivers. Keyword names are not restricted since keywords for one module are independent of those for another module.

Table A.2.12    Configuration Functions

Function Definition
NdisCloseConfiguration Closes a Configuration Registry database that NdisOpenConfiguration has opened.
NdisImmediateReadPciSlotInformation Reads a specified number of bytes from the configuration space of a specified PCI device.
NdisImmediateWritePciSlotInformation Writes a specified number of bytes to the configuration space of a specified PCI device.
NdisOpenConfiguration Opens the Configuration Registry database for a network interface card.
NdisPciAssignResources Returns a list of resources used by a specified PCI device.
NdisReadBindingInformation Reads the Configuration Registry to retrieve the name of a lower-level driver that an intermediate driver treats as a network interface card.
NdisReadConfiguration Reads the value associated with an individual keyword from the Configuration Registry database for a network interface card.
NdisReadEisaSlotInformation Reads slot information for an EISA network interface card.
NdisReadMcaPosInformation Reads data from the POS register on an MCA network interface card.
NdisReadNetworkAddress Reads the software-configured network address of a network interface card from a Configuration Registry database. Driver writers should use the keyword NetworkAddress for network addresses that are software-configurable.
NdisReadPciSlotInformation Reads a specified number of bytes from the configuration space of a specified PCI device.
NdisWritePciSlotInformation Writes a specified number of bytes to the configuration space of a specified PCI device.