The NcDetectQueryCfg function is used to check the current configuration of the network interface card. The handle parameter must have been obtained by a previous call to NcDetectOpenHandle. The function prototype is as follows:
LONG NcDetectQueryCfg(pvHandle, *pwchBuffer, cwchBuffSize)
PVOID pvHandle;
WCHAR *pwchBuffer;
LONG cwchBuffSize;
Configuration parameter values are output in a buffer as pairs of strings, each delimited by a (nul) string. For example:
The values occur in pairs, with the value item name displaying first and the currently detected setting appearing second. This format implies the names of certain common parameters are clearly defined by this interface. For information about these names, see Section 21.13.
A DLL and its .inf file or installer program can use any other values for reporting and setting configuration information. However, all such private (non-Microsoft defined) values must begin with a dollar sign ($).
Standard C language numeric literal conventions are used for all numbers. They are assumed to be decimal unless prefixed with 0x. All string values are case-insensitive. No ordering of return parameters can be assumed.
Note If no value for a particular parameter is detected, that parameter should not appear in the result buffer.