
ULONG VideoPortCompareMemory(

PVOID Source1,
PVOID Source2,
ULONG Length

VideoPortCompareMemory compares two blocks of system memory, byte-by-byte, and returns the number of compared bytes that are equivalent.



Points to the first block of memory to compare.


Points to the second block of memory to compare.


Specifies the number of bytes to be compared.

Return Value

VideoPortCompareMemory returns the number of bytes that are equivalent. If both blocks are equivalent, it returns the Length parameter.

The given Source1 and Source2 must be in a mapped logical range returned by VideoPortGetDeviceBase and/or a system-space RAM address, such as an address on the stack. Attempting to compare the contents of a device-memory block, such as an adapter frame buffer or ROM block, can cause access violations in certain Windows NT RISC-based platforms.

See Also

VideoPortGetDeviceBase, VideoPortMoveMemory, VideoPortScanRom, VideoPortZeroDeviceMemory, VideoPortZeroMemory