
VOID VideoPortZeroMemory(

PVOID Destination,
ULONG Length

VideoPortZeroMemory fills a block of system memory with zeros.



Specifies the starting address of the block of memory. This value must be in a mapped logical range returned by VideoPortGetDeviceBase.


Specifies the size, in bytes, of the block.


Miniports' DriverEntry functions commonly call VideoPortZeroMemory to initialize the VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure with zeros.

The given Destination must be in a mapped logical range returned by VideoPortGetDeviceBase and/or a system-space RAM address, such as an address on the stack. Use VideoPortZeroDeviceMemory to fill any device-memory block, such as a frame buffer, with zeros.

A miniport's HwVidInterrupt or HwVidSynchronizeExecutionCallback function can call VideoPortZeroMemory.

See Also

DriverEntry, HwVidInterrupt, HwVidSynchronizeExecutionCallback, VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA, VideoPortCompareMemory, VideoPortMoveMemory, VideoPortZeroDeviceMemory