
VP_STATUS VideoPortSetRegistryParameters(

PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
PWSTR ValueName,
PVOID ValueData,
ULONG ValueLength

VideoPortSetRegistryParameters writes information to the registry, in the miniport-specific and, possibly, adapter-specific ..CurrentControlSet\Services\DriverName\DeviceNumber key.



Points to the miniport driver's device extension.


Points to a buffer containing a zero-terminated Unicode string that names the value entry for which data is being written in the registry.


Points to a buffer containing the values to be written for the ValueName entry.


Specifies the size, in bytes, of the data to be written to the registry.

Return Value

VideoPortSetRegistryParameters returns NO_ERROR if the given data was successfully written to the registry. Otherwise, it can return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.


VideoPortSetRegistryParameters automatically searches for or creates the given ValueName in the \DeviceNumber subkey of the current driver for the current device.

VideoPortSetRegistryParameters can be called only from the miniport's HwVidFindAdapter or HwVidInitialize function.

See Also

HwVidFindAdapter, HwVidInitialize, VideoPortGetRegistryParameters