
PVOID DrvQueryFontTree(

    IN DHPDEV  dhpdev,
   IN ULONG  iFile,
   IN ULONG  iFace,
   IN ULONG  iMode,
   IN ULONG  *pid

When GDI calls DrvQueryFontTree, the driver supplies pointers to structures that define one of the following:

·Mapping from Unicode to glyph handles, including glyph variants

·Mapping of kerning pairs to kerning handles



Identifies a device by a handle to its PDEV, returned from a prior call to DrvEnablePDEV.


Identifies the driver font file. This value is returned by DrvLoadFontFile.


Specifies the one-based index of the driver font.


Specifies the type of information to be provided. This can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
QFT_KERNPAIRS GDI requests a pointer to a sorted, null-terminated array of FD_KERNINGPAIR structures.

The kerning pairs should be stored in increasing order. The primary key is the second Unicode character; the secondary key is the first Unicode character in the kerning pair.

QFT_GLYPHSET GDI requests a pointer to an FD_GLYPHSET structure that defines the mappings from single Unicode characters to glyph handles.


The driver writes an identifier at this address that GDI will pass to DrvFree, along with the returned pointer, when the FD_GLYPHSET structure or array of FD_KERNINGPAIR structures are no longer needed. Depending on how memory is managed in the driver, this identifier can identify the structure, identify the way it was allocated, or do nothing at all.

Return Value

The return value is a pointer to the requested structure if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is null, and an error code is logged.


The returned structure must remain unmodified until GDI calls DrvFree with the address of the structure.

DrvQueryFontTree is required for font drivers and drivers that use device-specific fonts.

See Also

DEVINFO, DrvEnablePDEV, DrvFree, DrvLoadFontFile, DrvQueryFontData, DrvQueryFontTree, FD_GLYPHSET, FD_KERNINGPAIR, IFIMETRICS