About grouping records on intervals of date or time values on a data access page

About grouping records on intervals of date or time values on a data access page

This topic provides reference information about:

Data types required for grouping on intervals of date or time values

How a page that groups records by month looks in Page view or in Microsoft Internet Explorer

How a page that groups records by month looks in Design view

Settings for properties in the Sorting And Grouping box

Data types required for grouping records on intervals of date or time values

When you group records on date or time intervals, the control you group on must be bound to a field with one of the following data types: a Date/Time data type in a Microsoft Access database (.mdb), or a datetime or smalldatetime data type in a Microsoft Access project (.adp).

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How a page that groups records by month looks in Page view or in Internet Explorer

To group records on an interval of date or time values, you need two controls. The control you group on is bound to the field that stores the date or time values and is hidden. The other control is bound to an expression that returns the interval of the date or time and is visible. In the following example, the records come from a query named Summary. The page uses an invisible control bound to the ShippedDate field to group records by month in the higher group level. In the same group level, another control, which is visible, is bound to an expression that returns the month equivalent of the ShippedDate field.

Data access page that groups records by month, in Page view

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How a page that groups records by month looks in Design view

In Design view of the example page, you can see the hidden control that is used to group the records in the first group level.

Data access page that groups records by month, in Design view

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Settings for properties in the Sorting And Grouping box

The following table lists the properties that are set for the page in the Sorting And Grouping box. When you don't specify ASC or DESC after the field name in the DefaultSort property, Microsoft Access sorts the records in ascending order.

Property Group Record Source
Group Record Source
CaptionSection No Yes
GroupHeader Yes Yes
GroupFooter No No
RecordNavigation Section Yes Yes
ExpandedByDefault No No
DataPageSize 3 3
GroupOn Year Qtr
GroupInterval 1.0 1.0
DefaultSort GroupOfShippedDate ShippedDate

Note   When you group on a control, Access creates an alias for the control by adding the prefix "GroupOf" to the control's name in the ControlSource property; for example, GroupOfShippedDate: ShippedDate. When you reference this control in an expression or property, you must use the alias.

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