About using file properties to locate files

About using file properties to locate files

File properties are details about a file that help identify it — for example, a descriptive title, the author name, the subject, and keywords that identify topics or other important information in the file. You can set file properties for the database you're working on and for any Microsoft Access database, Microsoft Access project, or data access page.

There are three different types of properties that you can use to locate files:

Built-in file properties   Built-in file properties are properties (such as author, title, and subject) that already exist for which you can enter a value. For example, you can enter the database author's name so that you can search for all databases created by that person.

Custom file properties   You can create custom file properties that include any value you assign. For example, you can create a database property that stores the version number of your database.

Automatically updated file properties   Statistics such as size of database, date of creation, and date that database was last modified are database properties that are automatically maintained for you. For example, you could search for all databases created after March 3, 1998, or last modified yesterday.