When can I update data from a query?

When can I update data from a query?

In some cases, you can edit the data in query Datasheet view to change the data in the underlying table. In other cases, you can't. The following table shows whether a query's results can be updated, and if not, whether there is an alternative.

Query or query field Updatable Solution
Query based on one table Yes  
Query based on tables with a one-to-one relationship Yes  
Query based on tables with a one-to-many relationship Usually For more information, click .
Query based on three or more tables in which there is a many-to-one-to-many relationship. No Though you can't update the data in the query directly, you can update the data in a form or data access page based on the query if the form's RecordsetType property is set to Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates).
Crosstab query No  
SQL pass-through query No  
Query that calculates a sum, average, count or other type of total on the values in a field, or an update query that references a field in the Update To row from either a crosstab query, select query, or subquery that contains totals or aggregate functions No By using a domain aggregate function in the Update To row of an update query, you can reference fields from either a crosstab query, select query, or subquery that contains totals or aggregate functions. For more information, click .
Union query No  
Query whose UniqueValues property is set to Yes No  
Query that includes a linked ODBC table with no unique index, or a Paradox table without a primary key No  
Query (or underlying table) for which Update Data permission isn't granted Can delete but not update To modify data, permissions must be assigned. For more information, click .
Query (or underlying table) for which Delete Data permission isn't granted Can update but not delete To delete data, permissions must be assigned. For more information, click .
Query that includes more than one table or query, and the tables or queries aren't joined by a join line in Design view No You must join the tables properly in order to update them. For more information, click .
Calculated field No  
Field is read-only; the database was opened as read-only or is located on a read-only drive No  
Field in record that has been deleted or locked by another user No A locked record should be updatable as soon as it is unlocked.
Memo, Hyperlink, or OLE Object field in the query's results Yes