New Objects

New Objects

See Also

Objects that were added to Visual Basic in Microsoft Access 2000 are listed in the following table.

Objects Description
AccessObject New object representing all database objects within the CodeData, CodeProject, CurrentData, and CurrentProject object functionality.
AccessObjectProperty, AccessObjectProperties New collections and properties of the AccessObject object within the CodeData, CodeProject, CurrentData, and CurrentProject object functionality.
AllDataAccessPages, AllForms, AllMacros, AllModules, AllReports New collections of the new CurrentData and CurrentProject object functionality
AllDatabaseDiagrams, AllQueries, AllStoredProcedures, AllTables, AllViews New collections of the new CodeData and CodeProject object functionality
CodeData, CodeProject New objects for code database functionality
ComAddIns New COM add-ins functionality
CurrentData, CurrentProject New objects for current data functionality
DataAccessPage, DataAccessPages New data access page feature
DefaultWebOptions Default web options for the application
FileSearch New File Search functionality
FormatCondition, FormatConditions New conditional format feature
VBE New Visual Basic Editor functionality
WebOptions Web options for data access pages

ADO objects

To see a list of the new objects available in the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library, open the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Reference in the Help contents.

You can use the objects supplied by Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0, a reference to the Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library is automatically set when the Visual Basic Editor is open.

Microsoft Office objects

To see a list of the new objects available in the Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library, open the Microsoft Office Visual Basic Reference in the Help contents.

To use the objects supplied by Microsoft Office, you must set a reference to the Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library when the Visual Basic Editor is open by clicking References on the Tools Menu and selecting the check box next to this library.

Microsoft Visual Basic Editor objects

To see a list of the new objects available in the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 Object Library, open the Microsoft Visual Basic Reference in the Help contents.

To use the objects supplied by the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor, you must set a reference to the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 Object Library. To set this reference, open the Visual Basic Editor and click References on the Tools Menu and select the check box next to this library.