Should I create a Number or Currency field?

Should I create a Number or Currency field?

Microsoft Access provides two field data types to store data containing numeric values: Number or Currency.

Use a Number field to store numeric data to be used for mathematical calculations, except calculations that involve money or that require a high degree of accuracy. The kind and size of numeric values that can be stored in a Number field is controlled by setting the FieldSize property. For example, the Byte field size will only store whole numbers (no decimal values) from 0 to 255 and occupies 1 byte of disk space.

Use a Currency field to prevent rounding off during calculations. A Currency field is accurate to 15 digits to the left of the decimal point and 4 digits to the right. A Currency field occupies 8 bytes of disk space.

Number and Currency fields also provide predefined display formats. You can use the Format property to choose a predefined format or to create a custom format. For information on creating a custom format, click .

For more information on creating a number or currency field, click .