Should I use a form, report, report snapshot, or data access page?

Should I use a form, report, report snapshot, or data access page?

Each Microsoft Access database object is designed for a particular purpose. In the following table, Yes identifies the objects that are best at performing a particular task, Possible identifies objects that can perform the task, though less optimally, and No identifies objects that don't perform the task at all.

Task/Purpose Form Report Report snapshot Data access page
Enter, edit, and interact with data within a Microsoft Access database or Microsoft Access project Yes No No Yes
Enter, edit, and interact with live data via the Internet or an intranet outside an Access database or Access project; users must have a Microsoft Office 2000 license but don't have to have Office installed No No No Yes
Print data for distribution Possible Yes Yes Possible
Distribute data by e-mail No No Yes (static data) Yes (live data)