When you create a new Microsoft Access project (.adp) or Microsoft Access database (.mdb), Microsoft Access adds a set of properties to the project's AccessObjectProperties collection or a database's Properties collection.
Build | AccessVersion |
You access these properties using the following syntax.
Name | RecordsAffected |
Connect | ReplicaID |
Transactions | DesignMasterID |
Updatable | Connection |
CollatingOrder | AccessVersion |
QueryTimeout | Build |
Version |
You access these properties using the following syntax.
When you set a startup property in a project or database through the Startup dialog box, available by clicking Startup on the Tools menu, Microsoft Access adds a set of startup properties to the appropriate Properties collection. These properties are not added when a startup property is added programatically.
AppTitle | AllowBuiltinToolbars |
StartupForm | AllowToolbarChanges |
StartupShowDBWindow | AllowBreakIntoCode |
StartupShowStatusbar | AllowSpecialKeys |
StartupMenubar | AppIcon |
AllowShortcutMenus | StartupShortcutMenubar |
AllowFullMenus | HijriCalendar |
AppTitle | AllowBuiltinToolbars |
StartupForm | AllowToolbarChanges |
StartupShowDBWindow | AllowBreakIntoCode |
StartupShowStatusbar | AllowSpecialKeys |
StartupMenubar | AppIcon |
AllowShortcutMenus | StartupShortcutMenubar |
AllowFullMenus | HijriCalendar |