What is a parameter query and when would you use one?

What is a parameter query and when would you use one?

A parameter query is a query that when run displays its own dialog box prompting you for information, such as criteria for retrieving records or a value you want to insert in a field. You can design the query to prompt you for more than one piece of information; for example, you can design it to prompt you for two dates. Microsoft Access can then retrieve all records that fall between those two dates.

Parameter queries are also handy when used as the basis for forms, reports, and data access pages. For example, you can create a monthly earnings report based on a parameter query. When you print the report, Microsoft Access displays a dialog box asking for the month that you want the report to cover. You enter a month and Microsoft Access prints the appropriate report. For information on creating a parameter query, click .

You can also create a custom form or dialog box that prompts for a query's parameters instead of using the parameter query's dialog box. For more information, click .