About using wildcard characters to search for partial or matching values

About using wildcard characters to search for partial or matching values

You use wildcard characters as placeholders for other characters when you are specifying a value you want to find and you:

In a Microsoft Access database, you can use the following characters in the Find and Replace dialog boxes, or in queries, commands, and expressions, to find such things as field values, records, or file names.

Character Usage Example
* Matches any number of characters. It can be used as the first or last character in the character string. wh* finds what, white, and why
? Matches any single alphabetic character. B?ll finds ball, bell, and bill
[ ] Matches any single character within the brackets. B[ae]ll finds ball and bell but not bill
! Matches any character not in the brackets. b[!ae]ll finds bill and bull but not bell
- Matches any one of a range of characters. You must specify the range in ascending order (A to Z, not Z to A). b[a-c]d finds bad, bbd, and bcd
# Matches any single numeric character. 1#3 finds 103, 113, 123
