Add a background picture to a report

Add a background picture to a report

By adding a background picture to a report, you can simulate a watermark. A background picture in a report applies to the entire page.

  1. Open the report in Design view.

  2. Double-click the report selector to open the property sheet.

  3. Set the Picture property to a .bmp, .ico, .wmf, .dib, or .emf file. If you've installed graphics filters for other applications, you can use any file supported by those filters. If you're not sure of the path or file name, click the Build button .

  4. In the PictureType property box, specify whether you want the picture to be embedded or linked. When you embed a picture, it's stored in the database file. If you embed the same picture in another form or report, it's added to the database file again. When you link a picture, you don't store it in the database file, but you must keep a copy of it on your hard disk. If you want to use your hard disk space efficiently, specify the Linked setting.

  5. You can determine the proportions of the picture by setting the PictureSizeMode property. This property has three settings:
  6. You can specify the position of the picture on the page by setting the PictureAlignment property. Microsoft Access aligns the picture within the margins of the report. The available settings are Top Left, Top Right, Center, Bottom Left, and Bottom Right.

  7. You can repeat the picture across the page by setting the PictureTiling property to Yes. Tiling starts at the position specified in the PictureAlignment property.

    Note   Background pictures look best tiled when the PictureSizeMode property is set to Clip.

  8. You can determine which pages of the report the picture will appear on by setting the PicturePages property. The available settings are All Pages, First Page, and No Pages.
