In a Microsoft Access project, you can't use the Chart Wizard, but you can add a chart by inserting the Microsoft Graph 2000 Chart object (Insert menu, Object command).
In form or report Design view, the chart shows sample data when you first create it. To see current data, switch to Form view or Print Preview, or close the form or report and then open it. Learn about customizing a chart.
The Chart Wizard creates a query for the record source in the RowSource property, which reflects the data restrictions that you specified when you filled out the Chart Wizard dialog boxes. If the chart doesn't look the way you want it to look, click .
You can't create a radar, surface, or combination chart by using the Chart Wizard. However, in Microsoft Graph you can change the chart you created with the Chart Wizard to any chart type, including a radar, surface, or combination chart. Learn about using Microsoft Graph.