Assign an action or set of actions to a key

Assign an action or set of actions to a key

You can assign an action or set of actions to a specific key or key combination by creating an AutoKeys macro group. When you press the key or key combination, Microsoft Access carries out the action.

  1. In the Database window, click Macros under Objects.

  2. Click New.

  3. Click Macro Names on the toolbar.

  4. In the Macro Name column, type the key or key combination to which you want to assign the action or set of actions.

    For information about the key combinations you can use to make key assignments, click .

  5. Add the action or set of actions you want the key or key combination to carry out. For example, you could add a RunMacro action that runs the Print Current Record macro when CTRL+P is pressed.

    Select a macro action to run for a key combination you define.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for any other key assignments you want to make.

  7. Save the macro group with the name AutoKeys.

The new key assignments are in effect as soon as you save the macro group and each time you open the database.

Note   If you assign a set of actions to a key combination that is already being used by Access (for example, CTRL+C is the key combination for Copy), the actions you assign this key combination replace the Access key assignment.