Calculate a grand total or other aggregate for all records on a data access page

Calculate a grand total or other aggregate for all records on a data access page

  1. Open the data access page in Design view. The page must have at least two group levels.

  2. Create a bound HTML control bound to the field you want to use to calculate a grand total in the group header of the highest group level.

  3. Make sure the bound HTML control is selected, and then click Promote on the toolbar.

  4. With the bound HTML control still selected, click Properties on the toolbar.

  5. In the TotalType property box, select the type of aggregate you want from the list: Sum, Avg, Min, Max, Count, Any, or StDev.

    The rest of the steps are optional.

  6. Create a label for the bound HTML control.

  7. Select the expand control in the header that contains the grand total and press DELETE.

  8. Select the record navigation section for the group level that contains the grand total and press DELETE. Access deletes the section and the navigation control that it contains.