Change the gridline style and background color in Datasheet view
- Open a table, query, form, view, or stored procedure in Datasheet view.
- Click Datasheet on the Format menu.
- Click the options you want.
- Changing the format of a specific datasheet overrides the default datasheet format defined in the Datasheet tab of the Options dialog box on the Tools menu.
- You can't save datasheet formatting changes to a datasheet in a Microsoft Access project unless it is a form. If you need to save formatting changes to an Access project table, view, or stored procedure datasheet, use the AutoForm Wizard to create the datasheet as a form (which quickly sets the RecordSource property to the datasheet and adds all the fields to the form), and then set the form's DefaultView and ViewsAllowed properties to Datasheet (which makes the form behave like a datasheet).