Create a report with a wizard

Create a report with a wizard

  1. In the Database window, click Reports under Objects.

  2. Click the New button on the Database window toolbar.

  3. In the New Report dialog box, click the wizard that you want to use. A description of the wizard appears in the left side of the dialog box.

  4. Click the table or query that contains the data you want to base your report on.

    Note   Microsoft Access uses this table or query as the default record source for the report. However, you can change the record source in the wizard and select fields from other tables and queries.

  5. Click OK.

  6. If you clicked Report Wizard, Chart Wizard, or Label Wizard in step 3, follow the directions in the wizard dialog boxes. If you click AutoReport: Tabular or AutoReport: Columnar, Microsoft Access automatically creates your report.

    If the resulting report doesn't look the way you want, you can change it in Design view.